The Hard Ways Dice Roll Craps Contest of Bodog Casino

Craps news

The Hard Ways Dice Roll Craps Contest of Bodog Casino

The North American brand of Bodog Casino, owned and operated by the Morris Mohawk Gaming Group and powered by RTG (Real Time Gaming), is holding a craps online event. The event is in its 3rd week and will end on July 9th, 2009. Most online leader board events are won by players with the biggest gaming chip balances at the end of the allotted gaming time. Others are won by gamers who bet the most during the promotion period.

This one-of-a kind online event at Bodog casino is won by gamers who get a particular result of the craps dice the maximum number of times. When the pair of dice in craps are tossed different results are possible. One possible outcome shows the same digits on both the craps dice. When the results are four, six, eight or ten, this dice roll is given the name of "hard way". This is because when an outcome of eight is obtained in a dice roll, it is simpler to obtain it as a six and two or five and three than a four and four.

Hard way dice rolls have been given special names. Two 2's is named Little Jo from Kokomo, two 3's is named the Brooklyn Forest, two 4's is named Two Windows and two 5's is named Big Ben. In this craps event track will be kept of how many times a craps player toss the dice the hard way. The craps players who do it most of the time will be named the winners. The event is named the Bodog Casino Hard Ways Dice Roll Contest.

There are two vital conditions that participants must remember. All hard way dice roll do not matter. The gamer must win any bet on that hard way dice roll. There are some bets in craps that are considered complementary like the Pass and Don't Pass Line. One of these two bets has to win.

Therefore, if such complementary bets have been executed, the hard way dice roll will not count even though one of the bets will win. For each legitimate hard way dice roll players will be given one point. Gamers who have won the most points during each promotion period will be named winners. There are two examples of prizes featured in the Bodog Casino Hard Ways Dice Roll tournament.


David M. Bedingfield